Sarah's survival

 Sarah's Survival 

Part 1: The Conversation

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.

Micah 7: 7

    It was a hot summer afternoon. Sarah was carrying her backpack and pulling her suitcase on the dusty rugged pavement, that led to the women's hostel where she was supposed to stay for the next 6 years to pursue her college degree. She was frustrated. She was confused. She did not understand. She made zero friends. She was all alone. There was nothing significant about her life. How was she supposed to survive? She was puzzled. She thought within herself, "Hmmm....I wonder what algorithm God had programmed in my brain. It is like a complicated computer program". It ran something of this sort.

Complex Brain Program:

int friend;

for(int i=0; i<=once_whom_i_come_across; i++)


if (spirit_is_attracted)   -----------------------------> This value is the mystery!



print (friend);



    The point is, her spirit mostly did not attach to anyone of her age. She did find one or 2 people older than her, who synced with her interests. But even they had to leave after a while. She did not make friends easily for sure. Something was totally wrong about her. She did not like to hang out with any girls gang in hostel or in her class. She did not enjoy gossip. She walked alone to college. Walked alone to mess to eat. It was the most normal thing for her to be like that. But the question was: How was she going to survive like this in the hostel? Surely you need friends. But every night, God made her to attend the prayer meeting that happened in the hostel for an hour. That was the only time she was social. 

It was hot and sweaty. She brushed aside the hair falling on her forehead. She  believed in Jesus and was saved. So she said, "God, if I ever make it through college, I will know its because of You. This world is about survival of the fittest. Well God, I am not fit according to the world. So if I do survive, its You. And I simply can't figure out why the heck I am like this. Well, as for the algorithm you put in my brain, I don't understand it!".

She made it to the hostel but she did not forget the conversation she had with God that day.

To be continued........


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