

Why does it have to be this way?

Why did the Son of God have to be born as a human and that too in a stable?

Why did God send His only Son, Jesus to be murdered?

Why did Jesus have to be betrayed by one of His own disciples?

Why did people pour out false witnesses to kill Jesus?

Why did the religious leaders, consumed with self-righteousness and jealousy rise up against Jesus even though He didn't do anything wrong?

Why did the crowd which once praised Jesus, saying "Blessed is He who comes in the name of Lord" now scream that He be killed?

Why did even His close friends desert Jesus when He was arrested?

Why was Jesus so quiet through the entire trial that led to His crucifixion on the cross?

Why did He let the soldiers to whip Him and mock Him?

He is powerful and nothing is impossible for Him. He could have stopped them from harming Him.

Why did He have to bear that cross and be hanged on it like a criminal even though there was no sin found in Him?

Why was His heart pierced with the spear?

And finally,


Is Jesus trying to tell us something here?

Maybe He is telling us,

Its OK to be born in a poor family as long as you are in God's Will.

It's OK to have a humble beginning because God will lift you up in the right time.

Its OK to be hurt but don't hold on grudge. Just forgive . Be merciful to those who hurt you.

Its OK to be betrayed. But don't hold on to bitterness. Just love.

Its OK to be used. But don't get tired of it. Just look to God, deriving grace from Him.

It's OK if evil is done to you. Overcome it with good.

Its all easier said than done

To let your heart be pierced by people and overlook it.

Doesn't it need divine grace

Grace to overlook an offence and stay united despite our differences

We need to learn from Jesus

As for me, it starts with family

To forgive my family for all the hurts

To forgive friends and forget the offenses made

But isn't it hard to even start with

Doesn't the enemy bring back past memories and agonize me

Oh dear God, I need grace. More grace

For I am stubborn and unforgiving.


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