What I cannot do He completed it! Now Its all about Him


Matthew 4:1

        Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 

           The Isrealites under the leadership of Moses sojourned the wilderness for 40 years. During that time, they grumbled against the Lord, they tested Him and rebelled against Him. Is it not the case some times in our life too? 

        But Jesus, when He was in the wilderness for 40 days He fasted and did not grumble against God. He won over the temptations of the devil with God's word. 

                What I am not able to accomplish, Christ accomplished. He is the King who is to come. He is         the King over all the Earth. My King who did everything for me.

                Sometimes, I think that it's all about me when actually "It's all about Him". He paid the price         for my sins with His precious blood. He did it all. He deserves my all.

        Dear God,

            Sometimes, all I think about is "Me" when all I ought to think is "You". Remove this selfishness         from me and help me to think more of You and less of Me. Help me to praise You and adore You.             Help me to abide in You.

        In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray,




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