Today's Musing: Feb 2nd

 Today's Musing: Feb 2nd

1 Samuel 28

King Saul's misery


The philistines assemble to battle against Israel. King Saul🤴 on seeing the philistine army, begins to tremble with fear. He tries to seek God but God is silent. Now out of desperation, he goes to see a woman ðŸ‘© who is a medium (meaning she speaks with spirits  of the dead💀). She conjures a spirit, which identifies itself as Samuel, the prophet. And the spirit told, in the battle tomorrow, Saul and his sons would perish and Israel ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡± will lose. Now Saul is even more terrified when he returns after seeing the woman.


Saul's Fear:

Whenever the Spirit of the Lord comes over a person, they are bold. Here we see that the Lord had left Saul and he is fearful. 

God's Silence:

Saul had zero relationship with God. He never cared for what was in God's heart. He only cared for his needs and wants. God regretted making Saul as king over His people - The Israelites. And so God was silent. 

Saul's End:

Saul goes ahead to do an even greater mistake. That is the sin of divination. He surrounded himself with men who gave him evil counsel to seek a medium and he listened to them. The visit to the woman made situation even worse. He became more frightful. Fear of death gripped him and lo and behold, what he feared happened. 


Dear God,

Saul stopped following you and followed his own heart. Please help me to follow you. Please don't ever be silent with me. Help me to be bold and surround me with people who lead me closer to you.

In Jesus Name, 



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