Fierce Love

Fierce Love:

Below are some of the images that was taken by NASA's James WEBB telescope.

a) Carina Nebula's star forming region
b) Cart wheel galaxy

d) Stephan's Quintet - a cluster of 5 galaxies
c) Butterfly Nebula

        People around the world are just awe struck recently, seeing all these wonderful pictures of stars, galaxies, black holes, exoplanets, nebulas that the WEBB telescope is capturing every day in outer space. 

   Psalms 19 says, 

                    "The heavens declare the glory of God". 

How true this is!!!

The Truth about Creation:

Genesis 1 talks about how God created everything. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. The Earth was formless and empty but the Spirit of God hovered over the waters of the Earth. 

And God said, "Let there be light" and all the distant galaxies and stars were created on God's command and the Earth was lit by a faint light.

The next day, God said, "Let the skies be made" and the sky which is visible with our eye was formed. 

The next day, God said, "Let the waters on the Earth be gathered and dry land appear". And so the seas and oceans and land came into existence.

The next day, God said, "Let the Earth sprout vegetation, plants and fruit bearing trees each according to its kind". And so it was. The Earth burst into a beauty of plants and trees of various kinds.

The next day, God said, "Let there be light in the sky". And the sun, moon and all the stars came into being. Day and night were defined. Seasons were established.

The next day, God created the sea creatures and birds both big and small and blessed them.

The next day, God created the animals and every creeping thing and blessed them to be fruitful and multiply.

And finally, He made the crown of His creation - man and woman made in His very image. God rested on the 7th day and made it holy.

So what?? What is in Genesis 1 for me?

    We look at the universe and marvel at its beauty. Why should the cart wheel galaxy look like a cart wheel? Can't it be any random disordered shape? Why should the butterfly nebula look like a butterfly? Isn't the very definition of nebula mean it's a cloud of dust and gas in outer space? Who made the gases look like a butterfly? There are galaxies bigger than our very own milky way galaxy and yet we have not found any form of life on them (Well! we are still researching and researching). The images are also proving that Big Bang never happened Shocking!!!

    Doesn't it all ring the bell that, there is a God who created the universe and everything in it. Why is it so easy for some of us to believe that universe is God? Why is it hard for some to believe the God who made the universe?

    The pictures that the James WEBB telescope is sending us everyday is a proof, for all of us, that there is a God who made everything. 

    We think that the universe is awesome. But, what we fail to see is, God created the Earth and the entire universe just for us. Everything was made just to make life on Earth awesome for us. Before God made man, he made sure the place was beautiful. He made sure that we would have a good atmosphere to thrive and good food to eat. He made sure that we would not be idle and gave us the job to rule over everything that He had created on Earth. It was His fierce love for us, that everything that we see, was created. How meticulously God must have planned and orchestrated these events. It's beyond our wildest imagination. It was sin that brought death into the beautiful world that God.

    Romans 8:38 says,

    "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

    Nothing in the world can ever separate us from His love for us in Jesus. When we do not believe in Jesus, the lamb of God who died for our sins, then we reject God and fall into judgement. But, when we believe in Jesus, repent and become a child of God, then, nothing in the world can separate us from His love.

    So next time when you look at the sky, know that it's God's immense love that made everything- the universe and all, just for you. Believe He loves you because that's the truth. He loves you enough to sacrifice His only son Jesus so that you can become His child. 


Dear God,

    We have been trying to run away from you, for far too long. We have made ideas and concepts that prove that you don't exist. All the while we have only been fooling ourselves. We feel empty without you. Father, we pray that you open our eyes to know you. 

In the mighty Name of Jesus we pray,






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