The Journey

                                                                         The Journey

At birth, a baby travels from its mother's womb and comes into this world. As it grows, it transitions from the loving confines of its home to school then to college, workplace, setting up a household and raising up children of its own kind and then becomes old and departs from this Earth. It’s a journey every human being undertakes. It’s a journey that everyone is familiar with. But do you know there is another journey we all travel? 

          Just as our flesh has its own course, so also the spirit that God kept inside of us has a course to run. I like to call it "The Journey of Faith". The journey of our flesh will come to an end when we die. But the spirit has an eternal journey to undertake.

          This journey appears in the Bible for the first time in Genesis 12, when God calls our father Abraham to go to the land which He shows him. 

Genesis 12: 1

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. 

You may wonder why I say "Our father Abraham". You may say, "Our father is Devasahayam" which is true in one sense. But, when we embark on this journey of Faith like Abraham did, we become children of Abraham i.e., children of God. 

God calls Abraham on this strange journey. God tells him to go from his country, his relatives and father's family, to a far away place. God doesn't even mention the exact location of this place. And Abraham took God at His word and begins the journey with his wife and belongings with faith in God and like a nomad, travels from one place to another. When Abraham reached the land of the Canaanites, God appeared to Him and said in verse 7, "To your descendants I will give this land". This is Faith - Take God at His word and let go of things He tells to let go and obey His voice, even though it makes no sense sometimes!.  

Are you willing to follow God wherever He leads you today? Would you let go of your identity, the things that define you? Would you make Him your identity? For example, would you prefer to be called God's child or child of Devasahayam? Would you let go of your desires and passions and tell God to have His will done in your life? Would you embark on this journey to heaven by having blind faith in God? Would you surrender yourself, your whole being - your body, soul and spirit and would you let God take the reins of your life and lead you to a heaven, a place which no mortal eyes has ever seen?  

My journey of faith started when I was in 11th grade, when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I don't get to plan my life but God plans my life in this journey. I let God give me His desires and I follow them. I read His word and pray everyday and He leads me on. 


Dear God,

 Please speak to whoever is reading this, that they would surrender their life to you and follow you. Speak to them from Your Word, for it is said that Your word is a lamp to our feet. Hear their prayer and answer them so that they might put their trust in You. Help us Oh God and like a good Father take hold of our hand, for we are babies learning to walk and prone to stumble and fall. May the good Lord have mercy on us and help us grow and mature in faith. 

In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray,


Note: Devasahayam is my great grand father who was a good and respectable man, a leader and a teacher in the time when he lived.          


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