The Slaughter House

The Slaughter House 

        Just yesterday, we visited a farm cum slaughter house. It was run by a middle eastern family. Most of the customers, who visited the store were muslims. The women wore their hijab, took care of their children and stayed outside, while their husbands were the ones who went into the shop. I say it because for a second it felt like I was in the Middle East and not in America. Anyway, that's not the point. I just felt out of place and decided to dress appropriately next time like the other muslim women. They had a wide range of hens, goats and sheep in the farm. The butcher directed the way and showed my husband the goats and my husband picked a baby goat to be slaughtered for us.

       The butcher grabbed the baby goat by its leg and brought it into the slaughter room. It bleated and bleated, knowing that something bad was going to happen, It was being dragged and separated from its family. It was pitiful to hear its bleating. I didn't want to see what was going to happen and so I left the room. A little while later my husband came with a bag full of goat meat for our family.

        Nothing unusual right? But the whole episode got me thinking. The Bible says that Jesus is the Lamb of God, who removes the sins of the whole world. The bleating of the baby goat reminded me of Jesus. He is the Lamb who died for my sins. For our sins. Jesus humbled Himself and came into the world as a baby boy and humbled himself even more to die a cruel death on the cross. He paid the full price for my sins- for our sins, by shedding His precious blood. His blood washes our sins away. Like the baby goat which provided food for my family, He gave Himself for us, so that, we can have fellowship with God. Our sins, which separated us from God is forgiven, so that, whoever believes in Jesus can now have access to God! Isn't that amazing!

Practical Application:


1 John 1: 9
 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 

        If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior, all you have to do is this. Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus. Say , "Jesus, I'm sorry. I am a sinner. Cleanse me from my sins. Help me not to sin anymore". This is the first step. It is called "Repentance". During this time, the Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance all your past sins that separated you from God. Tell God your sorry for each and every one of them. His blood will cleanse your sins away.  

        Then, the Holy Spirit will come and dwell inside of you. Now you are a Child of God because His Spirit dwells inside of you and He will help you to overcome this world and its desires. You have become a New Creation in Christ Jesus. Congratulations!

        Read the Bible and pray everyday. Be baptized again and go to church. 

        The adventure with God has begun in your life. Its going to a love story between you and God.


Dear God,

    Help us to remember every day, what You did for us on the cross. For our sake, you bore the punishment for our sins. You were flogged for our sins. The flesh in your body was torn apart for our sins. The crown of thorns pierced your head for our sins. Your hands and feet was nailed to the cross for our sins. You were pierced with the spear and blood flowed out of your side for our sins. You loved us and bore our punishment, so that we can be free from the bondage of sin. So that, we can be your sons and daughters! Help me to remember God what you did for me, all the days of my life. Let my life be filled with thanksgiving for what you did!

In the mighty name of Jesus we pray,






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