Keep Watch

                                                            KEEP WATCH

Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Matthew 26:38

    Imagine a battle field. Whenever the soldiers need to rest, they would appoint another soldier to remain awake and alert them in case the enemy attacks. This is analogous to our Christian life. Life is not an amusement park with fun and laughter all the time. It is neither a graveyard - dark and eerie filled with despair. Rather, I would describe the christian life as a victorious life where our Lord and Savior has already won over the battle and we walk in the victory of it each and every day. What battle you may ask? The battle against sin, curse, shame, death, failure, depression and everything pertaining to satan and his works. But it is necessary for us to keep watch and pray so that we stay in that victory. We cannot not let sin and temptation overtake us. We should not let depression or shame overtake us. We need to keep watch and pray.

Keep watch every morning
Ask the Lord to give you grace for that day

Keep watch in the noon
Ask the Lord to help you stay away from sin, needless worries and burdens.

Keep watch in the night
Ask the Lord to protect your family from the plague and pestilence and from every evil arrow the enemy tries to cast on you.

Keep Watch 
O ye soldier of the Lord
Lest the enemy will bring trouble into your life
he would want you to separate from the Lord
he would want you to question, "Does the Lord really care?"

Keep Watch and stay at the Master's Feet
Tell Thy Master to protect your family
Tell Thy Master to bless you
Tell Thy Master to comfort you
Tell Thy Master to cleanse you
Tell Thy Master to forgive you
Behold His face Night and Day and Day and Night
That is how you keep watch in your christian life.

    There is another reason we need to keep watch and pray. Because our dear Lord Jesus, can come any time to save us. History has repeated itself always. In the past, we saw many dictators arising and tormenting the people. The Bible says that in the last days, there is going to be another dictator. Only that he is going to be different. He is going to put the whole world under his control and act like a beast in treating the people. And Jesus is going to come back again- this time to deliver His people before this evil dictator could come. And all who believe in the name of Jesus will be saved (raptured) or taken away or caught up into mid heaven that day. And for that, we need to keep watch. We don't know the exact time when this event would happen. So its important dear Christian, to keep watch and look out for our Lord's secret coming to take us with Him. When Jesus lived 2000 years ago, the Jews refused to accept Him as Messiah (Savior). Let us not be like that today. Let us accept and believe in Him and we and our family would be saved.


Dear God,

    I know who I am. Worthless, not worthy to live. But you have delivered me and kept me safe. You make me live everyday by your great Mercy. You are Good. You have forgiven my sins, cleansed me and covered me with your robe of Righteousness. I am utterly grateful to you God. I pray that you would help me to stay firm in faith and to do your will and keep watch and pray everyday so that when you come I would be like the wise virgins ready to meet the long awaited bridegroom of my soul.

In Jesus name we pray,


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