And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. 

Matthew 28: 20


    One of the best things of being born as a girl is that, superheroes are so real for us. What? Superheroes?

    Yup. You heard it right? A Dad is a girl's first superhero. Dads may not have a costume with a long cape like the superhero who comes on TV, with flying capabilities and extraordinary super powers, but still, they appear as superheroes in their daughter's eyes.

    A Dad's very presence can light up his daughter's face, bring warmth to her heart, laughter to her lips, strength to her whole self and what not.

    But girls do grow up and this fairytale dream of their dads being their superhero soon vanishes. They come to the realization that their dad is not a superhero, but just their father who is growing old. This realization brings gloom into the heart of a woman. Insecurity and fear grips their heart. I was like that for a few years. I missed my superhero dad for awhile. But then BOOM. Another revelation shook me and mesmerized me. 


    My Dad is right here with me. He is my heavenly Father, who formed me in my mother's womb, who sent His Spirit upon my dead fetus and who caused me to live. My Dad is right here. And that makes my heart bold. I do what I do because I know my Daddy is with me.

In lonely times, He's there
In my messy day, He's there
He's watching over me
He gives me instructions, when I feel stupid
When I feel discouraged, He lifts me up
When I feel like yelling, He tells me to calm down
He wakes me in the morning with a gentle kiss
And makes me to read the Bible
When it is night, he sure tucks me in the bed 
Because I'm fast asleep the moment I lie down
My Dad is sure around me
When I get into trouble or when I am anxious,
I say, "Oh Daddy, Please help me"
And I feel His gentle whisper -
"I am right here little one. Don't worry"
He helps me to overcome sin.
I can't do without my Daddy
I am not intelligent or smart to survive
But my Dad's right here with me helping me out
My heart is bold like a lion
Coz the One whom I trust is the Lion of Judah,
The Lord of all the Earth,
The King of Kings.
And I know He is my Dad
Better than the superhero whom I daydreamed when I was a child,
The Perfect Dad 
My Forever Everlasting Father.


Dear God,

    I pray, that right now, whoever reads this would feel your fatherly presence around them. I pray their eyes would be opened to see you as their Dad. I pray that their heart would experience your beautiful love for us. 

In The Mighty Name of Jesus I pray,



  1. Absolutely true... God has been there for me too. As a Perfect Dad, that's what He says :) 😀

  2. HIS gentle whisper that HE is there right here with me gives me such a joy and hope. Yes, HE is my loving Father and the only one to accept me as I am.

    Beautiful and meaningful writing 😊

  3. Really a True and lovely Dad forever 😍Not only Dad but also guider, teacher,well known good friend....

  4. Very much true; He is our father who loves us so much that even his first sentence on the cross was requesting forgiveness for His children; Everlasting love.


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