The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind to reward each person according to their conduct according to what their deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 17:9, 10

    The heart of man is evil. For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person. When a person gives into the desires of his/ her heart, they end up becoming slaves to it. This spiritual slavery is devastating. It gives a foothold for the devil to enter and causes damage and ultimately death to the person. But Jesus came so that we may have life and to destroy the works of the devil in our lives.

Hold on. Let me explain if you are confused.


    We come across different people and situations in our lives everyday that gives way to a lot of feelings and emotions. Consider one say emotion: ANGER. A particular person or situation makes you feel angry. Once I start to get angry and if I allow angry thoughts to flood my mind, this ANGER consumes me slowly and then one fine day BOOM - The anger in me explodes. With the blast, I have almost given room to the spirt of anger to dominate my life.  Now, I am a real life ticking bomb about to explode anytime. Everything makes me angry. Slowly, the joy and happiness found in my life seems to be sucked out. The frequency of angry eruptions increases on a daily basis in my life. Also, in the process of giving way to anger, I have allowed hatred, strife, disharmony, lie, resentment, distrust, murderous thoughts, fear, self pity to gain control over me.

    Now this person's life or heart is filled with all these nasty people. The good things in their lives disappear. Joy disappears. Love disappears. Laughter and singing disappears. The final stage of the person who gave in to anger is worse than how they were in the beginning. The person has become a slave to anger and his comrades.

    Don't let every fleeting feeling or sin, to gain control over your heart. Yes its true that the heart is evil and its easy to get angry. But only if you allow the angry feelings to gain control over you, then, you will end up being a mess. Medical science will tell you that you should be on medication or counselling. 

    It is the same for every other emotion or sin. If a person gives in, to the feeling of LUST, then adultery, fornication, pornography, drugs and many other evils enter into their life to which they become a slave. 


    Simple. Go to Jesus. Tell him about your situation. How people are behaving and making you angry.  Tell him your fears. Weep at His feet. Praise Him and worship Him. Tell Him that you trust Him with your situation. And then He will make all your anger disappear. He will give you hope and strengthen you with His promises. This anger that torments you, when brought to His presence will flee away and hope and forgiveness with enter your heart. 

    Fill your heart with the word of God. The scripture says "Blessed is the man who meditates on His Word day and night. He will be like a tree planted by streams of water. He will flourish in everything that he does".

    Beware of what your heart is consumed with. If it is consumed with anger, lust, greed, envy, unforgiveness and so on, then, you are a slave to them. They will abuse you, 

Please don't trust your heart with anybody
Don't give way to Anger
Lest He will hammer thy heart 
And cause it to bleed to death.
Rather, surrender your heart to Jesus
Tell all your worries to Him
He will be gentle with your heart.
He won't hurt you.
He will stand guard at the door of thy heart
And battle against that anger which strives to enter into thy heart
He will win.
He will also apply healing balm to thy heart
And restore it to health which it once lost
So, trust not your heart with anybody but Jesus.
Let Him be the King seated on the throne of your heart
And where He is, there will be a garden full of trees
Trees bearing fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
gentleness and self control reigning in your life.

    This is the story of many of our lives. We let sin to enter into our heart sometimes, without even realizing it and end up being a slave to it. The devil and his comrades enter and devastate us. But Jesus came so that we can have life - an abundant life. He came to deliver us from sin and its endless abuse.  Even though He was sinless, He bore all the punishment of our sin on the cross so that we can be free. 


Dear God,

    Thank you because you sent your only Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. The price of sin is paid. I just need to come to Jesus and believe in Him and I am delivered from all the shackles of sin that bound me and tormented me. I invite you into my heart Lord Jesus. May my dark heart be your dwelling place. And once you come there, Your light will make the darkness depart and joy and happiness will be mine forever.

In Jesus Name we pray,



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