My life is safe and secure when I rest on God. When I put my trust on Him, He is faithful and good to me. Whereas, putting my trust on people, even close ones, only ends up in me getting hurt. Its a curse to put our trust on people. Its a snare and a trap to trust people instead of God. As believers, we are called to love one another but our trust should only be on God and not on anybody. 

    The Bible says in Jeremiah 17

    This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD. 
That person will be like a bush in the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes. They will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives.
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 
They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

    I understand, what it is like to trust God and what it is like to trust others. I have went behind people and put myself in deep trouble. If God didn't make me realize my mistake, I surely would have been destroyed. 

    When I trust God, He gives me peace and joy. He blesses my family. He satisfies me with His word and fights my battles every day. I feel secure and He removes all my fears. What more do I need?

    Are you hurt because you trusted people? Are you yearning for someone to heal you? Then, here's a song from The One who understands all.

A Song of Jesus:

Dear Child,

If people failed you, then, you are not alone. They sure failed me.
If people let you down, then, you are not alone. They sure let me down.
If people incurred scars in your heart, then, you are not alone. They pierced my heart.
If people spit on your face, then, you are not alone. They spat on me
If people mocked and insulted you, then, you are not alone. They did it publicly on me.
If people are wanting to murder you, then, you are not alone. They hanged me on the cross.
If people speak all kinds of false things about you, then, you are not alone. They raised false witnesses against me.
If people beat and mistreat you, then, you are not alone. They whipped and nailed me to the cross.
If you feel that life is not fair and the cross you carry is heavy to bear, then, you are not alone. I bore my cross to Calvary.

So, you see dear one, it is Only I who can understand you. 
Because I have felt the pain.
Don't grumble and mutter because it hurts.
Just let them do what they want to do with you
But let your trust be on God
Let your eyes constantly look to Him
And after they bury you and rejoice over your dead body
God will raise you up,
More glorified than your previous self
They will shudder
They will relent on the wrong they did
But be patient now
Its ok. 

Dear God,

    Thank you for your Word that says that it is blessed to trust in you. For who is like you O God. You make those who trust in you like a well-watered garden. They lack nothing. There is no wound or blemish found in them as the healing water is found in their midst. Alas, to those who trust others for their strength, for they sure are hurt and humiliated. They develop wounds that no one is there to heal. But even now Oh Lord, I pray that those who are hurt to come to you. That, you would heal all their wounds and make them flourish.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray


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