Are you ready for what is going to happen? Are you ready to witness once again in history, of what God is going to do through His Church? Are you ready for the breakthrough?

       In the past, God led the Isrealites through the desert for 40 years by His power. After Jesus death on the cross, sin, curse, disease and death were defeated on the cross. Holy Spirit was poured on all who believed in the name of Jesus.

            Are you ready for what is going to happen once again? Are your ready for the spirit from God to be poured on you? Are you ready to feel God's presence? Are you ready to worship Him in Spirit and truth? Are you ready for the breakthrough? God is going to breakthrough and reach out to mankind once again. Are you ready?


             It was 8:30 AM last Sunday morning in a small church. A few people were gathered and the worship team had started to sing. No sooner had the first song been over and there was a murmur among the crowd. The pastor's wife in the front row fell down on her knees worshipping God. God's holy presence descended on the church for sure that day. The second worship song started now and it almost felt like Jesus was in our midst touching each broken heart and healing every disease. I was hoping the worship would not stop but it did and the church service proceeded as usual with no divine interruption after that.

            What just happened? We were all gathered there, a normal Sunday church crowd, to worship God and hear His word. But we witnessed something beyond our understanding that day for a few minutes. God was breaking through to visit His people.

            Isn't it marvelous? Are you ready? The time in nearer that we could imagine. The time for all that is written in the scriptures to be fulfilled. God is going to visit His people. Be ready. We are the generation who is going to witness this. Are you ready?


Joel 2: 28,29 says,

And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

The fulfillment of this prophecy is near. God is going to pour out His spirit on all mankind. Are you ready for this to happen in history? 


Dear God,

    We know that it's almost time for your Holy spirit to be poured on us. Help us to be ready to rise up to what you have called us to be. Help us to rise up like Elijahs, Davids, Joshuas, Daniels, Jeremiahs, Isaiahs, Ezekiels and like the first century church full of fire for the Lord. Its not possible by might but by your spirit. Help us Lord. We feel unworthy of the things to happen. We feel weak and miserable. But kindle us Oh Father for your divine work. The time the church has been slumbering is over. Its time for the church to rise up and shine. And all those who believe in the name of Jesus will be saved.

In the mighty name of Jesus we pray,



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