The Divine Guest:

        When we have guests coming over to our house, we are thrilled and excited. But, what we do not realize is that, there is a divine guest already living inside of us - The Holy Spirit. The day that we first accept Jesus into our lives, as our Lord and Savior, The Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside of us.

    Who am I, that the Spirit from The Lord God should be my guest?

    Who am I, that He has favored me and sent His Spirit to dwell inside of me?

No. Not for my sake. But for His name sake, God has sent The Spirit of His Son to come and dwell within me. God knows what a wretched sinner I am and without Him I have no hope nor any future. Therefore, seeing my wretchedness, He had mercy and sent His Holy Spirit for my aid. Holy Spirit is my aid to overcome every temptation, every sickness and every problem that comes my way. He has forever become my FOREVER GUEST whom I adore.

Ministry of the Holy Spirit:

John 16: 8-11

And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:  of sin, because they do not believe in Me;  of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more;  of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.

The above verse clearly states what the Holy Spirit does in our lives. 

When we commit some sin or mistake, He convicts us. He tells us what we did is wrong in God's eyes, and He leads us into repentance, Without the Holy Spirit, we will not know that we have hurt others or what we are doing is going to hurt us in the future. It is Him only Him who can convict us. What about conscience you may ask? Yes our conscience makes us guilty when we do wrong too. But many times we have become such hard hearted people that even our conscience is compromised and feels no guilt when doing sin. 

The Holy Spirit helps us to lead a righteous life. We will hear a voice speaking within us telling us how we must lead our life.

The Holy Spirit makes us aware that this world is not going to last forever. There is a coming judgement of God which no one can escape. So its time for us to repent and follow Jesus.

Holy Spirt and His Attributes:

Many images are used to describe the Holy Spirt in the Bible. Explaining some of those images.

Dove : 

Dove looks white and it is gentle. Likewise, The Holy Spirit is pure and holy and He is gentle in nature. If we reject His counsel He will grieve silently. 


Just like how water cleanses and removes all dirt and uncleanliness, The Holy Spirit makes us into a new person and removes all filthiness from us.


Fire burns and so the Holy Spirit in us burns all filthiness from within us. Fire spreads. So when the fire of The Holy Spirit descends on one person, it will spread to all the others. Fasting and Praying is like wood that blazes the fire and causes it to spread even more.


The Holy Spirit is like the wind. We do not know where the wind comes from nor we know where it goes. So is the Holy Spirit. We cannot spot Him. Wind is powerful. A powerful tornado can destroy even cities. So the Holy Spirit is powerful divine person and dwells within me.

Dear God,

    Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to dwell inside of me. When I hurt somebody or when I sin, The Holy Spirit in me, tells me not to do that. He advices me and counsels me. He makes me sensitive and causes me not to grieve God's heart. He makes me aware of the judgement that is to come. He makes me righteous. He chisels me every day to make me into the likeness of Your Son Jesus. Like a dove He is gentle with me. Like water, He cleanses me. Like fire, He burns within me. Like the wind, He powerfully works in my life. Fill me more of the Holy Spirit. Let my whole being overflow with His presence.

In the name of Jesus I pray,



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