Questions about Prayer


Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

James 5: 16

1. How to pray?

    Kneel down. If you are a woman, then it is best to cover your head with any cloth -towel or shawl. Then, there is nothing to stop you. Just pour out your heart to God. Tell him everything and He sure listens. Don't doubt. Tell Him you messed up. Tell Him you need help. Tell Him you want to see Him and hear Him speak. Tell Him you want to understand the Bible more. Tell Him that life is hard. Tell Him you need more wisdom, more grace, more strength and anointing to face the day ahead. And once your done praying, just say, In the Name of Jesus I pray Amen. 

    As you begin to pray everyday, learn to praise God and don't forget to thank Him for all the answers to your prayers. If possible, try to wake up early in the morning to pray. 

2. Why should we pray?

    Simple. Because prayer works.

3. Why does Prayer work?

    When a child of God prays earnestly, God the Father simply cannot ignore it. The God, the Creator, the King of the whole world, would do everything to fulfil the request of His child. Even if the child would pray for an impossible thing, God would make it possible.

4. Why would God fulfill His child's prayer?

    Because the child knows the Father's heart and prays accordingly. The child prays for the right things that burdens God's heart, for His will to be done and that earnest prayer is pleasing in God's eyes and therefore God fulfills His child's prayer.

5. What then is Prayer?

    Prayer is a relationship between you and God. Its a communication line. 

    By praying, a sinner can cry out to God and repent for all his/her sins and receive forgiveness and become a child of God.

    By praying, a child of God can share all their griefs and cast it at the feet of God.

    By praying, a child of God can intercede for others and for all the nations of the world by boldly entering the throne of God. 

    Prayer is how we talk to Father God. It is not difficult at all. Just like how a new born baby, as it grows, slowly develops language skills to communicate with its parents, so a child of God slowly learns to mature in their prayer life and as days go by it becomes easier and easier. 

    The more you communicate (pray) to God, the more you would begin to understand Him and He would share more personal things with you. Each day you would become more like Him. You would start to walk with Him just like Enoch did. You would start to experience a life that is like heaven on earth. 

    What more could I say? Prayer is not difficult. Just take a small step and the Gracious Lord will lead you on.

Dear God,

    Please help this dear sister and brother of mine to pray. Help them not to doubt, if you are listening or not to their prayer. Give them an answer for all the things that they pray for. Help them to love to pray to you.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray




  1. Very much true Nita; Let it reach many as possible; May God bless your effort.


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