If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

                                    1 Corinthians 12: 26

    There is a sweet friendship among the brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus. It is called a fellowship of believers or the body of Christ. They join together to worship God, to seek His face and to learn and to follow His ways. They call it The Church. But its much more than that. It comprises of a group of people washed by the precious blood of Jesus and united together by His Holy Spirit.

    When one brother or sister hurts, the others console them. When one rejoices, the others rejoice and thank God along with them. They envy not, they don't hurt each other, they don't scheme against each other or tear each other apart. Instead they pray for one another, they forgive each other, they forget the past sins of others, they build each other up. They can act this way because of the love of Jesus that is poured into their hearts. The love of Jesus binds them together and they keep marching on together through hard times only to emerge victoriously as salt and light of the earth.

Dear God,

I thank you for not leaving us as orphans, but for having provided for us a fellowship of brothers and sisters who trust you and follow you. May your will be done among us and may your name be glorified through us.

In the mighty name of Jesus I pray



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