

                                                                    The patience of Job


What is Patience?

    Patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit i.e., It is an attribute which is formed and nurtured inside a person by the divine work of the Holy Spirit. Patience is a remarkable character that helps one to persevere under difficult and hopeless situations.

    Nothing good can be found inside of us, by ourselves. All our so called goodness, is only like filthy rags in front of the Almighty and Holy God, the Creator of Everything. All the labor and hard work that we undertake for our spiritual enlightenment only leaves us empty and worn out with no benefit towards the end.

    It is the grace of God that we even know Him for who He is. It is by His mercy that we are saved by His Only Son Jesus. It is His mercy, that has enabled us to be filled by the Holy Spirit and be a witness to Him. Let the reader keep in mind, that apart from God there is nothing good to boast about in man.

    So, even this divine attribute called Patience can be developed in a person only by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and not by the righteousness of man or by the perseverance of man to be righteous.

Why do we need Patience?

Reason #1 :

    Reader, you and I are God's child. He is our father. And what child doesn't have the characters of his/ her father? We are not illegitimate children. Our Father God is Patient and so should we, His children be patient. It pleases our Father to see His children walking in His ways. We try to please our earthly parents in so many ways. And how much more should we yearn to please our heavenly father? 

Reason #2 :

    A patient person is an overcomer. This world is full of troubles. There is not one day that passes by without trouble. It is only the grace of God, that sustains us each day, to face the troubles that come our way. Remember, God doesn't allow us to face troubles that are too much for us to bear. Reader, if you find yourself in trouble that is too overwhelming to bear, then, ask God the reason. The overwhelming trouble can be the consequence of sin in your life or a generational thing that follows you or it can be the work of the enemy in your life and the Master will remove the burden if only you would ask Him to. 

James 1: 3,4 says Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

    Sometimes, God allows us to go through trials of some kind. God has a reason for the suffering and trouble we go through. When we go through suffering, our faith is tested and when we patiently endure the suffering, we are made perfect in faith. Our faith in God is proved to be genuine and not a fake one. Patience helps us to bear this kind of trial and emerge victoriously from it for the glory of our God.

Reason #3: 

    When a person is patient, then, they are able to better endure suffering that comes their way. Even when circumstances are unfavorable and difficult, they keep doing the things they are supposed to do. Under stressful circumstances, a patient person does not become a victim of depression, frustration, anger, addiction and suicidal tendencies. They become like stars that shine more brightly when the night sky is the darkest. Their light keeps shining forth before men. They don't lose faith in God when they are tried and persecuted. They are not grumblers. They don't make others miserable by their constant whining because of the sorrow that has come upon them.

Romans 5: 3, 4 says
But we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope.
Suffering -----> Endure Patiently ------> Experience (character)  -----> Sure and Living Hope
    Enduring suffering patiently helps us to develop godly character which would ultimately give us the hope of living eternally with our God after we die. 
Blessings of being patient:

The Bible also says,

Blessed are the meek (gentle and patient), for they will inherit the earth.

    Blessed are you, when you withstand trial and keep going on patiently, for the Lord Himself will bless you in a way that you will inherit the earth. There is a hidden power in being patient. It brings success to the person in the long run. The success may not be immediate but ultimate.


Dear God,

    In my misery, I screamed and yelled, because of the sorrow of each passing day, not realizing that you are in total control of my life. I lacked patience. I was ashamed because I have not behaved patiently. Then, I pondered in my heart and wondered how good it must be to be filled with your patience. And then, I realized that only you can help me be patient. I desire in my inmost being to walk with you and learn your ways. Help me God. Help me to be patient like how you are.

In The Mighty Name of Jesus we pray,



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