Traveler Diaries


There once was a traveler journeying in quest of the heavenly city. And this was his little experience:

The Traveler's Dilemma:

"Oh! My heart is so weary and burdened
Am I going in the right way?
Maybe I need to change the route
This pathway is making my life so miserable
I wonder what can relieve my heart of the pain it is enduring
I do not know 
But I am tired of the long journey that I made today
And the day is almost done
Let me rest here beside the road for the night"
said the traveler to himself.

His heart ached because of the miseries of the journey. Yet, his body needed rest and he fell asleep. Moreover, the Master of the Heavenly city gave a good sleep for all his children traveling along the road that led to His city.

The Traveler's Surprise:

The morning came and the traveler's alarm just woke him up from his deep sleep. And to his delight, he found a cup of warm tea near his backpack. He drank it with great thankfulness and to his utter surprise, all the burdens that weighed his heart the previous night were lifted up. He felt light again ready to start the journey again on that narrow road.

The Traveler's Song:

Oh how foolish have I been to question the route that I travelled
When morning came, I looked to His Word and searched it
And the Master graciously has given me new grace to walk ahead
He has filled my heart with gladness and assurance after reading His Word
The route is right!
Tis the same route that my ancestors Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the patriarchs and the saints had walked previously.
Yea, the journey is hard for the road is narrow
But only by patience and faith can one reach the Heavenly City
The Master has made all the provisions needed to get there
And all these troubles will be nothing when I finally get to see my Master Himself
Oh how I long to see Him
I would run and hug Him
I hope I don't disappoint Him
I hope I do my best in this journey
I better run
These tears I shed now are good
For when I see my Master, He will wipe them all away
For He knows that the journey is weary
It was He who made this road
He walked through it
He understands

Saying so, the traveler began the journey again - running this time, for his heart leapt with joy as his burdens were lifted up.


Dear God,

Every morning when we look up to you and read the Bible, you give us new grace to face the day ahead. You have filled our heart with gladness in the midst of doubt and suffering. You have given us hope to face the day. What more can we ask of you? Oh God, you are beautiful and all Your ways are good. Oh how we long for that beautiful day when we get to beget Your face. Oh our hearts yearn for the wedding feast with the lamb. The miseries and groanings of this life cannot be compared to the glory of what you have ahead. Thank you my dear Father. 

In Jesus Name


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