Fruits to be desired

Fruits of the Spirit:

The fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control.

Oh how often Love is rejected from my thoughts and I am consumed with anger and hate

Oh how often instead of joy, my heart has embraced sorrow over trivial everyday things

Oh how often kindness has been overlooked and meanness has been uplifted

Oh how often instead of peace I have resolved to conflict 

Oh how often instead of having faith in Christ I have given way to doubt and fear

Oh how often I have lost self- control and given into temptations

Oh how often instead of patience I have given way to misery

Oh how often gentleness is far from my mind

Oh how often goodness has just not been my portion

Oh how often I have forgotten to listen to the voice of the Spirit and listened to my flesh instead

Oh who can save me from me

But my hope is not lost

For Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

How precious are Your Words to me God

Write Your Word on the tablet of my heart

Help me to mediate on it all the time

Its like sweet medicine to my soul 

Healing all the wounds 

Cleaning all the dirt and grime

Let me walk in your ways

For your ways are a delight to my soul

Money cannot buy the peace I find in you

Oh how I long for the manna you would provide 

I eagerly look to the skies 

Dear God, you won't fail me

You will strengthen me with your Word

Your Holy Spirit will guide me

Give me grace 

Give me grace just once 

To live by your word with the help of the Spirit

My heart will skip with gladness

I will forget all my worries

Because in you I am complete

In Jesus name Amen


  1. Good Nita. Why don't you try with audio ma?

  2. Beautiful Nita. As mentioned above , try with audio and some music . It will be great to listen to . God bless you .


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