He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. "For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; on them he has set the world.

1 Samuel 2:8


There was a name sake Christian girl in her pre-teens. A strange problem affected her every night. She was not able to go to sleep with the rest of the family. She was afraid for no reason. She heard someone call her name in the night. It was a kind voice. It was loving. She knew that it was Jesus calling her wanting to talk to her. But she felt so sinful and told him, “Oh Jesus, don’t call me. I am not good enough for you”.  She didn’t know him well. Eventually she stopped hearing His voice. And after that sin seeking an opportunity came into her life. First, it was came in the guise of innocent Back street boys and Westlife. But it slowly became Linkin Park and Evenescence and a lot more. She didn’t feel like going to church. She didn’t know her way. She was lost.

Life went by for 4 more years. Her parents were getting frustrated as to what had come over her. It hurt her father so bad because by now, she had lost focus on studies and out of anguish of heart he stopped talking to her. Now, this girl was broke coz she didn’t mean to hurt her parents by being disobedient. She just wanted them to be happy but didn’t know how to do that. She didn’t have any wisdom she was almost a fool. She wanted help badly but didn’t know how to get it. So, she just searched for a last but sure help - for a bible in her house -the one English bible that someone had gifted their family a long time ago. She just opened it and said “God I need help. Please help me. Help me out of this miry pit that I am stuck in.” And Jesus started to speak to her again. He made her understand what the verses meant. The bible which she found so hard to understand before started to make sense. She tried to memorize them so that her leg would not slip again. The school subjects which were hard to understand was easy now because even when parents would not mind to sit with their children to help them study, but now, Jesus was right beside her teaching her all the hard things. He made her imagine what the structure of an atom with all the confusing s, p, d and f orbitals looked like. He just made it all sound so easy. Well, He is the one who made them. Why would anything be so hard for Him? Nothing in the world is so hard for Him. He knows everything.

So, taking one day at a time she learnt to follow the Lord. That was just the beginning of the journey. The journey was hard sometimes. She met depression, self pity, vanity, guilt, legalism, jealousy, gossips, slander, shame, worry, anger and a lot of strange people who came to distract her. She fell down a lot of times. Many times she got bruised and hurt. She got angry and tried to throw away the cross sometimes too. She wanted to go her own way. But the savior who led her ahead was faithful through it all. He pulled her back and made her to carry on. He knew the path well for He had gone through it before. He just told her to ignore the distractions and to keep following Him. Not to say there was joy, peace, love, goodness, help and hope along the way too.  And so she tread down that narrow path to Heaven where another beautiful kingdom awaited for all of God’s children – A final and eternal place of rest for the weary soul.


Dear God,

    Help us in our daily walk with you. You are a God who rescues sinners like me, sunk deep in the miry pit and makes us your sons and daughters. You teach us your ways which is so beautiful for my soul. You clothe us with rich garments of righteousness. You alone can do these things Lord. The world does not understand these things. But it is so beautiful to behold the works of my Lord. God takes the foolish things of the world – Our weakness brings you glory and makes the world understand that it is the hand of Lord that have done these things. Dear God, leave me not. Forsake me not. For by your grace we stand. Its not our works but your mercy. 

In Jesus name we pray. 



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