A New Song - 1


A New Song:


        A sister once asked me, “How do you write such things? The blogs you write are nice to read”. I panicked and didn’t know what to answer and blabbered something like, “Akka, I just get vexed with the kids and start to type things”.  But that was not the truth. The truth is I don’t know to write. I neither have intelligence nor the skill for it. Nor am I creative to think or imagine anything useful. Before I start to write I just pray, “God please hold my hands and cause me to write” and after that the thoughts flow and I quickly write and finish it. But in a normal day, if you would tell me to write I would stutter and stammer and take ages to just write a few lines. So all praise and Glory goes to My Father God, My Lord Jesus and My Sweet Friend Holy Spirit.

        Sometimes, out of the flesh, to prove myself, I start to write but get confused where to start and where to end and I just quit. Sometimes, I get so proud and begin to write, but I just can’t write and I quit again. That’s the reason I couldn’t write everyday. I have to wait for God and ask His guidance and then only I am able to write. Its Him. Alas, I am imperfect even to wait on Him and be pleasing to Him and that is the reason I can't write always. He's My Master and My Teacher. If He gives me the grace to write, then, I can write else I am doomed. 

        One day I was quite angry and mad due to certain arguments with folks. I was so mad and I wanted to do something. Something to hurt them back. (I’m all evil)  But I didn’t know how and I got so mad and I started to cry. I cried and cried hoping that God would comfort me and give me a solution. But alas I couldn’t feel God but if only He would come and comfort me. I was just thinking this and all of a sudden some beautiful thoughts just came into my head and now I started to cry because these thoughts were so wonderful and I could not bear them. I knew that these thoughts were not mine but God was speaking, concerning the situation I was in. Those words were so beautiful and I just couldn’t bear to take them anymore and so, I quickly stopped thinking and started to write them into words. I quickly posted it in my Facebook page and here it goes:

Our God is the God of all Comforts

An Oracle is in my heart concerning my Lord and my God

His courts are wide to take refuge and shelter

His name is great and awesome

The enemy slithers and glides towards me

And tries to devour me

He makes my foot to stumble

And I cry for help

And when I look to my God

He says, "My child, the victory is already won 2000 years ago in the cross.

The enemy is defeated. He might roar like a lion

But I am the real Lion of Judah. 

Come here now. My courts are big for you to take refuge and shelter. 

Go not anywhere. For my Father is good and generous and doesn't want his little ones 

to get lost."

Yes indeed my Lord. You are a good God and cursed be my days if I dare to go away 

from your courts, for there only is my refuge.


I am not a person who can write these lines. I thank God for rescuing me when I asked for help. I was a person given to anger and used my tongue in all filthy ways. But God in His great mercy helped me to keep quiet and take refuge in Him. That was the answer He gave to my situation. He told me to take refuge in Him. As easy as that.

 Dear God,

 Your word says that you put a new song in our mouth to sing for you God. Give me a new song to sing for you each day. Let me tell of your great works to everybody. Let me tell everyone how great my God is. Selah.

 In Jesus Name







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