God's perfect home

God's Perfect Home

Luke 2

Jesus is Born:

In those days, Isreal was ruled by the Romans. Caesar Augustus, the emperor of Rome, decreed that a census should be taken, to count all the people of every nation who were under his governance. This caused everyone to go to their native place and register their names. And Joseph along with Mary had to travel to Bethlehem, the city of David to register his name along with Mary who was expecting the birth of their firstborn any time. It was a long and tiring journey to Bethlehem. But when they finally reached they found that the city was crowded with so many people from everywhere and all the inns were already booked. Unfortunately or can we say in God's perfect time, Mary got her birth pangs. They had no place to stay and frantically Joseph went in search for a place of shelter and found a stable for the night. And there in the stillness of the night, Jesus, the Son of God was born.

Mary - A good mother:

After Mary brought forth her firstborn son, she swaddled him and placed him in a manger- a trough where animals drink water. She covered the manger with straw and swaddled Jesus and placed him safely there. Mary loved her son so dearly and took care of him the best way she can, even though they were not in a great place for a baby to be in. Mary didn't complain. She didn't complain to Joseph that he was not able to get her a mid wife to help. She didn't complain that he was not able to provide her with a decent room. She just accepted it and did the best she can to make everyone happy. 

Joseph - A good father:

Joseph was a righteous and a just man. When he first came to know that Mary was pregnant he was confused. Mary was a good woman. And he knew the baby was not his. It all made no sense to him. If he informed about the mystery regarding Mary's pregnancy to the elders, their law would declare that she had sinned and a sinful woman was supposed to be stoned to death. Joseph did not want to do that to Mary. But he decided in his heart to quietly divorce her. That night when he slept, an angle appeared to him in his dream and told him to take Mary as his wife as the child she bore was conceived by the Holy spirit and they were to name the child as Jesus. And Joseph did as the angel told him. He obeyed. Doesn't it also show that he was a God fearing man. God directed Joseph's path. God revealed to him the questions that were haunting him. Even the basic detail such as what the child should be named was revealed to Joseph. 

Joseph took full responsibility for the baby that Mary carried and took her as his wife and cared for her. They settled in Bethlehem for awhile. But even that was only temporary. An angel again came to him in his dream and told him to leave for Egypt as Herod was wishing to kill the child. And immediately that night Joseph hurried to Egypt. They stayed there for a few years until Herod died. After that, Joseph moved his family again to Nazareth. We see through all of this, Joseph took full responsibility for the safety and protection of his family. He provided for them. He was a man who obeyed the Lord and therefore the Lord directed his steps.

An Incident - The boy Jesus goes missing:

Mary and Joseph were both religious. They circumcised Jesus according to their tradition in the 8th day after he was born. They went to the Jerusalem every year to celebrate the Passover festival. When Jesus was 12 years old, they visited Jerusalem for the annual Passover feast. Jesus at that time started talking to the priests and elders in the temple and he stayed with them talking many things about their law and religion. Now Mary and Joseph thought that he was with their relatives and started to go back home. When they were halfway they found that he was missing. They ran back to Jerusalem searching frantically for him and found him in conversation with the elders. Mary told Jesus, "Son, why have you treated us like this". She did not get angry with him or trash him. She did not give way to anger. She just asked him why he did that. That's all. We parents always think that our children are to be bossed over but Mary treated Jesus with respect. 

Well, it all makes me think that Jesus was born in a loving home. He might not have been rich with servants at his service. But he did have a wonderful family who worked hard and loved each other.

Dear God,

Help us to provide a good home for our children. Help this mother to care for her family like Mary did. Let not anger or bitterness take root in her. But let your Holy spirit dwell in her and lead her. Help this father to be righteous and God fearing and obedient to your word. Help him to protect his family and guide him also. We may not be rich but please let us be rich in love.

 In Jesus name we ask Amen.



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