Mary's song


Luke 1:26-45

Elizabeth had a cousin and her name was Mary. When Elizabeth was in her 6th month in pregnancy, the same angel Gabriel, who had visited Zachariah came to visit her at her home in Nazareth in Galilee. Now Mary was a virgin who was engaged to Joseph. Joseph was a descendent of King David. 

The angel said that Mary had found favor in God's eyes and she was going to bear the Son of God - Jesus and His kingdom will be forever. Mary believed all that the angel told her. But, she was curious how a virgin can have a baby. The angel explained to her that the Holy spirit will come upon her and the baby will be conceived by the power of God. The angel also gave her a sign that Elizabeth, her elderly cousin was in her 6th month of pregnancy. And Mary replied "Behold, the bond slave of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word". Oh what a beautiful reply that was. Mary considered herself as a bond slave of the Lord. She didn't think of herself as anything else. She loved the Lord and thought it to be of great esteem to be a bond slave of the Lord rather than a princess or a queen. 

Now Mary was in a great hurry. She wanted to meet Elizabeth and share in her joy. She wanted to spend time with Elizabeth helping her out and talking to her about all the great thing God was doing in their lives. Oh, how we must envy those women. Oh what a beautiful bond these women had. Mary might have had to make a long journey to meet her. She could have spent her time with Joseph as they were already engaged. But rather, she thought it was very important to see Elizabeth and spend time with her. And when Mary finally reached her cousin's home, Elizabeth blessed Mary and Mary broke out in a song.

Mary in her song described about the nature of God.

1. Our God is a God who exalts those who are humble and bring down those who are proud. He brings down rulers from their throne and exalts those who are humble.  He is against those who are even proud in their thoughts.  He cares for the poor and the needy. He gives bread to those who are hungry and he sends away the rich empty handed. He heals the poor of their diseases and gives them a hope. 

2. Our God is Holy Holy Holy and we should worship Him in Holiness as well. 

3. He is a God who fulfills what he has promised. God was going to fulfill the promises which he gave to Abraham and the whole world was going to be blessed because of Jesus.

4. God is Merciful. If he is not merciful why should he even care about us. He is sovereign God and He doesn't have to send Jesus to die for our sins. He could have let us die in our sins instead. But it was His great mercy, that made him to send Jesus for our sake. God is merciful towards those who fear him and their generation.

Now, Mary stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months. Can you picture how they might have spent time? Maybe Elizabeth was having a nap and Mary who was already pregnant with Jesus might have been busy cooking and cleaning the house. Elizabeth was old and her mother might have died by that time. And Mary gladly took the role of a mother in caring for Elizabeth. They might have cooked together and chatted old stories. They might have prayed together, blessed each other. After 3 months, Elizabeth brought forth a son and all their neighbors and relatives rejoiced with her.  

Dear God, 

Help me to believe like Mary believed. Help me to understand that being your bond servant is the most important thing in all the world. Help me to know you more like Mary did. Help me to offer praises to your name like Mary did. Let me be like Mary who shared in Elizabeth's joy. Let me be that women who can laugh when my sisters laugh and cry when my sisters cry. 

We ask in Jesus name Amen.



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