God hears our prayers and answers them surely

Prayer of Zachariah and Elizabeth gets Answered 

Luke 1:1-25 

There once lived a couple Zachariah and Elizabeth. Both Zachariah and Elizabeth came from a priestly family background. They were both righteous in the sight of God and walked blamelessly by obeying the commandments of the Old testament. Despite of all these good qualities, they had no children. Not even one child to bear their name. It was like as if Elizabeth and Zachariah were destined to grow old together with no children.  Initially, when they were newly married, they prayed to the God of Isreal to bless them with children. Well, the God of Isreal was the God who had blessed their forefather, Abraham with a miracle baby, Isaac. Well, he will surely bless them too. They prayed and prayed. They knew that they need to believe and God will do a miracle. Days passed into months. Months passed into years. And now they were old and their prayers were forgotten. And quite frankly, they just forgot about wanting to have a baby. They were happy that they had each other.

One fine day, Zachariah was out there doing the job what priests did. It was his duty that day to go inside the temple to burn incense. At that time, in the quietness of the temple, a strange thing happened. An angel appeared. Now Zachariah was perplexed like most of us would have. But this angel introduced himself as Gabriel and told him not to be afraid and that God was going to do great things in his life. The prayer that he and Elizabeth had prayed, many years before was going to be answered. The time had finally come. God was going to bless them with a miracle son. He was to be named as John. God was going to fill this baby with the spirit and power of Elijah. He was going to bring forth a revival of repentance among the people of Isreal. Now, Zachariah was doubtful. They were old and old people don't bear babies. It was just so hard to believe. It was all too good and too sudden to take it all in. Now, Gabriel was impatient. Why can't this old man just believe what the God of Heaven and Earth just declared? Alright, people always need a sign. And Gabriel just gave him that. "You will not be able to speak until these events come to pass" he said and then disappeared.

And everything the angel said did come true. Elizabeth became pregnant. She gave birth to a baby boy and they named him John and then Zachariah's mouth was opened and he began to speak and he praised God. This John, when he grew up preached to the people to leave their evil ways and repent and baptized them in the Jordan River. He even baptized Jesus, the Son of God, The Lamb without blemish, who came to the world to wash away the sins of men.

Our God is a God who answers prayers. God is our Father. When his children ask him for something, like any good father would, he answers them. But we need to ask according to God's will, because his will is always good towards us. His answers may not be the way we expect sometimes. But ultimately it is for our good. Elizabeth and Zachariah wanted a baby years ago. If God had blessed them at that time they may not have had the miracle baby filled with the holy spirit and such a mighty man of God who even baptized Jesus. Gods ways are always perfect and its best to trust him and obey him.


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