

 WHY? Why does it have to be this way? Why did the Son of God have to be born as a human and that too in a stable? Why did God send His only Son, Jesus to be murdered? Why did Jesus have to be betrayed by one of His own disciples? Why did people pour out false witnesses to kill Jesus? Why did the religious leaders, consumed with self-righteousness and jealousy rise up against Jesus even though He didn't do anything wrong? Why did the crowd which once praised Jesus, saying "Blessed is He who comes in the name of Lord" now scream that He be killed? Why did even His close friends desert Jesus when He was arrested? Why was Jesus so quiet through the entire trial that led to His crucifixion on the cross? Why did He let the soldiers to whip Him and mock Him? He is powerful and nothing is impossible for Him. He could have stopped them from harming Him. Why did He have to bear that cross and be hanged on it like a criminal even though there was no sin found in Him? Why was His he


This loneliness is hard Somehow we are not created for this I bump into walls impenetrable I long for a place to gather and pray I long for a sister mighty to lead in prayer But there is no one Thinking of it, its not easy to lead The one who leads should be the one who serves And no one is willing to serve, not even me I am waiting for the classes to start When I will have work to do Being idle is wrecking my soul It makes me bitter and angry But I understand that all these things are only fleeting I understand people better now I know what they will say All the silly things they say about me They want you to be perfect  While they themselves have all the reasons in the world to be imperfect But my loneliness still remains My frustrations are vented on my kids I wish I could be a more responsible mother I wish this season would soon pass A good fellowship is needed for a peaceful life But if you can't find one  You need to go through this phase The loneliness phase The waiting Pha

Sarah's survival

 Sarah's Survival  Part 1: The Conversation But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. Micah 7: 7      It was a hot summer afternoon. Sarah was carrying her backpack and pulling her suitcase on the dusty rugged pavement, that led to the women's hostel where she was supposed to stay for the next 6 years to pursue her college degree. She was frustrated. She was confused. She did not understand. She made zero friends. She was all alone. There was nothing significant about her life. How was she supposed to survive? She was puzzled. She thought within herself, "Hmmm....I wonder what algorithm God had programmed in my brain. It is like a complicated computer program". It ran something of this sort. Complex Brain Program: int friend; for(int i=0; i<=once_whom_i_come_across; i++) { if (spirit_is_attracted)   -----------------------------> This value is the mystery!  friend++;     } print (friend); Result: 0      The point

The Slaughter House

The Slaughter House           Just yesterday, we visited a farm cum slaughter house. It was run by a middle eastern family. Most of the customers, who visited the store were muslims. The women wore their hijab, took care of their children and stayed outside, while their husbands were the ones who went into the shop. I say it because for a second it felt like I was in the Middle East and not in America. Anyway, that's not the point. I just felt out of place and decided to dress appropriately next time like the other muslim women. They had a wide range of hens, goats and sheep in the farm. The butcher directed the way and showed my husband the goats and my husband picked a baby goat to be slaughtered for us.         The butcher grabbed the baby goat by its leg  and brought it into the slaughter room. It bleated and bleated, knowing that something bad was going to happen, It was being dragged and separated from its family. It was pitiful to hear its bleating. I didn't want to see

The Journey

                                                                                            The Journey At birth, a baby travels from its mother's womb and comes into this world. As it grows, it transitions from the loving confines of its home to school then to college, workplace, setting up a household and raising up children of its own kind and then becomes old and departs from this Earth. It’s a journey every human being undertakes. It’s a journey that everyone is familiar with. But do you know there is another journey we all travel?             Just as our flesh has its own course, so also the spirit that God kept inside of us has a course to run. I like to call it "The Journey of Faith". The journey of our flesh will come to an end when we die. But the spirit has an eternal journey to undertake.           This journey appears in the Bible for the first time in Genesis 12, when God calls our father Abraham to go to the land which He shows him.    Genesis 12: 1


                                                               Sarah Psalm Gladson                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The Purpose

THE PURPOSE God's creation                    God's creation is beautiful. Genesis 1 briefs how God created different things in 6 days  and he rested on day 7.                 Genesis 1: 1-3               In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light" and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and morning were the first day.             God saw there was a need. It says that the earth was formless, empty and dark. When God saw the need, He started to do something about it. He spoke and light appeared. God was pleased and called the light as "day" and the darkness as "Night".                 1. God sees a need.                2.