
Showing posts from February, 2023


  Bitterness: I don't talk to anyone spontaneously  I don't trust anybody quickly  Lest they hurt me and break my heart And that pain might turn into bitterness And cause my soul to grieve I better stay safe I better guard my heart from getting hurt I have built strong walls around my heart  I don't let anyone enter easily Is there a balm that could cure my bitterness? Like the ones they sell in shops? They have a balm for headache They have a balm for back pain But none that could heal my heart. I have seen some men They make their own balm They get into drugs and all To ease the pain but only in vain Some women too, They share their burdens to others  Only to find, there is no gain Then I remember, Jesus crucified on the cross The soldiers mock Him They give him bitter water dipped in a sponge And He drank it  He bore my bitterness on the cross I don't have to worry about it How can I go away from the cross For that's where my healing is He has the healing balm fo

Today's Musing: Feb 2nd

  Today's Musing: Feb 2nd 1 Samuel 28 King Saul's misery Summary : The philistines assemble to battle against Israel. King Saul 🤴  on seeing the philistine army, begins to tremble with fear. He tries to seek God but God is silent. Now out of desperation, he goes to see a woman  👩  who is a medium (meaning she speaks with spirits    of the dead 💀 ). She conjures a spirit, which identifies itself as Samuel, the prophet. And the spirit told, in the battle tomorrow, Saul and his sons would perish and Israel  🇮🇱  will lose. Now Saul is even more terrified when he returns after seeing the woman. Thoughts :  💭   Saul's Fear : Whenever the Spirit of the Lord comes over a person, they are bold. Here we see that the Lord had left Saul and he is fearful.  God's Silence: Saul had zero relationship with God. He never cared for what was in God's heart. He only cared for his needs and wants. God regretted making Saul as king over His people - The Israelites. And so God was s

Today's Musing Feb 1st

  Today's Musing: Feb 1st 1 Samuel 27 This chapter describes David going to the Philistine land and serving them. Summary : David was in hiding for a few years in Israel as king Saul was trying to kill him. A prophet prophesied that David ought to stay in Israel even though his life was in constant threat. God was faithful and did not let David be captured by Saul. But now, David was weary and thought going to the philistines was better. He and his 600 men along with their families went to Achish, a ruler in the Philistine country    and became subject to him.  David raided people groups in Philistine, killing everyone and confiscated their belongings. To Achish, David lied, that he had raided his own countrymen - the Israelites. This made Achish believe that David would be a true servant to him forever. Deviating from your call: David's call:  David was anointed to be the King of Isreal one day. He had to stay in Isreal even though his life was in constant threat. What David d