
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Battle in the Mind

 The Battle in the Mind: If it wasn't for the Lord, I would have been destroyed If it wasn't for the Lord, I could not survive now But even after all that the Lord has been doing in my life, I find pride dwelling subtly, in the depths of my heart. I try to fight battles that I am not supposed to fight I try to dwell on mundane thoughts that wreck my own soul. Amidst all this chaos, I hear a distant voice speaking to me : Fall down in adoration of Him who sits on the throne Praise the Lord Bow before Him Praise His Holy Name Give Thanks to Him For the battle in the mind cannot be won by anger or wrath or worry or stubbornness or revelry It can be won, only by singing praises to Him Oh! why am I delaying? Oh! what is causing me to deter? It is my mind. I have not yet tamed it. Lord, tame my mind to sing you praises Tame my mind to fall down before you For I am just a breath And my days are but nothing If it wasn't for the Lord, I would be nothing. Prayer: Dear God, Everyday w

Traveler Diaries

TRAVELER DIARIES: There once was a traveler journeying in quest of the heavenly city. And this was his little experience: The Traveler's Dilemma: "Oh! My heart is so weary and burdened Am I going in the right way? Maybe I need to change the route This pathway is making my life so miserable I wonder what can relieve my heart of the pain it is enduring I do not know  But I am tired of the long journey that I made today And the day is almost done Let me rest here beside the road for the night" said the traveler to himself. His heart ached because of the miseries of the journey. Yet, his body needed rest and he fell asleep. Moreover, the Master of the Heavenly city gave a good sleep for all his children traveling along the road that led to His city. The Traveler's Surprise: The morning came and the traveler's alarm just woke him up from his deep sleep. And to his delight, he found a cup of warm tea near his backpack. He drank it with great thankfulness and to his utte

Speaking out everything in your heart? Think again.

  Speaking out everything in your heart? Think again. Jesus was not a kind of person who spoke whatever was in his heart. He spoke whatever His Father told him to speak.  He was a complete man because he bridled his tongue.  Some people mean no harm. They just speak all the thoughts that enter their heart and mind. They are very transparent or maybe innocent. They can not keep secrets. There is nothing wrong in that right? I am not sure. Jesus in many occasions couldn't share some things with the disciples because he knew they could not bear them. They were not ready. Like wise it is not good to tell everything to everybody. Because we don't know how they will take it. Keeping your mouth shut and keeping things in your heart is best many times. There was a beautiful character in Mary, the mother of Jesus. The Bible in many instances says she treasured it in her heart. She didn't tell anybody. Only when Luke personally enquired her concerning Jesus birth she opened up. Good