
Showing posts from March, 2021

A New Song - 1

  A New Song:             A sister once asked me, “How do you write such things? The blogs you write are nice to read”. I panicked and didn’t know what to answer and blabbered something like, “Akka, I just get vexed with the kids and start to type things”.   But that was not the truth. The truth is I don’t know to write. I neither have intelligence nor the skill for it. Nor am I creative to think or imagine anything useful. Before I start to write I just pray, “God please hold my hands and cause me to write” and after that the thoughts flow and I quickly write and finish it. But in a normal day, if you would tell me to write I would stutter and stammer and take ages to just write a few lines. So all praise and Glory goes to My Father God, My Lord Jesus and My Sweet Friend Holy Spirit.           Sometimes, out of the flesh, to prove myself, I start to write but get confused where to start and where to end and I just quit. Sometimes, I get so proud and begin to write, but I just ca


  A REAL LIFE TESTIMONY : He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. "For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; on them he has set the world. 1 Samuel 2:8   There was a name sake Christian girl in her pre-teens. A strange problem affected her every night. She was not able to go to sleep with the rest of the family. She was afraid for no reason. She heard someone call her name in the night. It was a kind voice. It was loving. She knew that it was Jesus calling her wanting to talk to her. But she felt so sinful and told him, “Oh Jesus, don’t call me. I am not good enough for you”.   She didn’t know him well. Eventually she stopped hearing His voice. And after that sin seeking an opportunity came into her life. First, it was came in the guise of innocent Back street boys and Westlife. But it slowly became Linkin Park and Evenescence and a lot more. She didn’t feel like g

The Visit to Peter's boat

THE VISIT  Simon : There was once a fisherman by the name of Simon (Later was called as Peter). He and his brother Andrew, they owned a boat. They were rough men used to battle the sea on a daily basis for their livelihood. Fishing was as familiar as breathing to them. They were so good at it. Sometimes, when they set out to the sea, they marveled at its beauty and pondered in their heart about God. They were Jews and followed the God who made the Heaven and the Earth. Yet, it felt like God was so far away from them. Even though, on the outside, they looked tough, on the inside they were sorrowful men conscious of the sin in their lives. They were seekers who yearned to know God. One night, Simon and his friends set out to catch fish in the Sea of Galilee. All night they labored hard but caught nothing. Disappointed, they reached the shore and started to clean the nets. The lake was quiet but all of a sudden they saw a huge crowd coming. Jesus was there leading the crowd. Without askin