
Showing posts from February, 2021


PSALMS 15 Qualities of the person who can dwell in the tents of the Lord and who cannot be shaken: 1. One who walks blamelessly 2. One who does what is righteous 3. One who speaks the truth from their heart 4. One who does not slander 5. One who does no evil thing to his neighbor 6. One who does not approve of the wrong things spoken about their friend 7. One who despises a vile person  but who honors those who fear the Lord 8. One who keeps up his word 9. One who lends money without interest 10. One who does not take bribes Such a person cannot be shaken.

Healing and many more

 Luke 4:14-44 UNBELIEF IN NAZARETH: Jesus anointed with the Holy Spirit, went about teaching in the Jewish synagogues and was praised by all. He then happened to come to Nazareth, his hometown. As his usual custom, he preached in their synagogue and people were amazed at the gracious words that he spoke. But in their hearts they were analyzing , "Is this not the son of Joseph? We know him right? We know his poor they are...Its just an ordinary family nothing special about it huh?". And these people could not believe that Jesus was the Son of God, the Savior of the World, the prophesied Messiah. They could not accept that a Son of Joseph whom they knew can do anything great. And because of their unbelief, Jesus was not able to do miracles there.  Dear brother/ sister, Jesus knows even what we think in our hearts. In this case he knew that the people were murmuring about Him. They were saying, "We heard him do a lot of miracles in Capernaum. Do the same here i


Temptations: Luke 4 : 2-13 For 40 days, Jesus fasted and was tempted by the devil in every possible way. Jesus went through these temptations but never yielded to them. He never sinned. He overcame all the devil's temptation. Now, Jesus went through these temptations because he does not want us to face anything that he has not faced before.  Temptation #1: After those 40 days ended, Jesus became hungry. And the devil did not want to miss this chance when he was hungry. He asked Jesus, " If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread ".  First of all, we don't need to obey the devil. He was suggesting to Jesus to do a miracle to feed himself. God is a miracle working God and no one needs to tell him what to do. Satan had no business in giving divine advises. All he wanted was to make Jesus obey him. Just like many centuries ago, he made Eve to obey him by telling her to eat the fruit that God had clearly instructed them not to eat. If he makes Jesus to obey

The Wilderness Experience

 The Wilderness Experience: Read Luke 3 and 4: 1 Before Jesus started his ministry, he was baptized by John. When Jesus was baptized, heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove and a voice came from heaven saying "You are my beloved Son, in you I am well pleased". So, we see that, Jesus was fully filled with the Holy Spirit before he started his ministry.  After this , the Holy Spirit in him led Jesus to the wilderness. A wilderness is any place that is uninhabited and abandoned. For 40 days there, he was tempted by the devil and during those days Jesus fasted. What is a wilderness ? There are times in our life when we need to travel to the wilderness. Don't ask me what the wilderness looks like. Your whole being will know once you get there. It can be a time of loss of a loved one or it can be a time when you struggle with your sin or it can be just a lonely time when you feel you have no one who cares for you. It can be any situation in your life t

God's perfect home

God's Perfect Home Luke 2 Jesus is Born: In those days, Isreal was ruled by the Romans. Caesar Augustus, the emperor of Rome, decreed that a census should be taken, to count all the people of every nation who were under his governance. This caused everyone to go to their native place and register their names. And Joseph along with Mary had to travel to Bethlehem, the city of David to register his name along with Mary who was expecting the birth of their firstborn any time. It was a long and tiring journey to Bethlehem. But when they finally reached they found that the city was crowded with so many people from everywhere and all the inns were already booked. Unfortunately or can we say in God's perfect time, Mary got her birth pangs. They had no place to stay and frantically Joseph went in search for a place of shelter and found a stable for the night. And there in the stillness of the night, Jesus, the Son of God was born. Mary - A good mother: After Mary brought forth her firs